
  • 1 Enabling comments
  • 2 Blog comments
  • 3 Comments report
  • 4 Comments capabilities

Enabling comments

Comments can be disabled/enabled by an administrator in Administration > Site administration > Advanced features.

Note that if this is disabled then students will not be able to add comments on assignment submissions.

Blog comments

Blog comments are enabled by default. The feature may be disabled in Site administration > Appearance > Blog.

Comments report

A list of all comments added may be found in Site administration > Reports > Comments.


Comments capabilities

  • Delete comments
  • Post comments
  • View comments
  • Add comments to a database activity
  • Manage comments in a database activity
  • Add comments to glossary entries
  • Manage comments in a glossary
  • Add comments to pages in a wiki
  • Manage comments in a wiki
  • View comments in a wiki