Course enrolment

Course enrolment
Contents 1 Add students 2 Students enrol themselves 3 Teachers manually enrol students 4 Allowing guests into a course 5 Adding students in bulk 6...
Fri, 19 Nov, 2021 at 3:52 AM
Contents 1 About 2 Enrolling users 3 Filtering and searching for users 4 Roles 5 Groups 6 Status 7 City/town or country 8 Sending a message, add...
Fri, 19 Nov, 2021 at 3:54 AM
Enrolment methods
Contents 1 Enrolment methods 1.1 Manual enrolment 1.2 Self enrolment 1.3 Guest access 1.4 Cohort sync 1.5 Course meta link 1.6 PayPal 2 Managi...
Fri, 19 Nov, 2021 at 3:55 AM
Enrolment key
Contents 1 Why use an enrolment key? 2 Setting an enrolment key within a course 3 Setting a group enrolment key 4 Admin settings 4.1 Making an enro...
Fri, 19 Nov, 2021 at 3:56 AM
Contents 1 How is unenrolment controlled? 2 Enrolment duration 3 Bulk unenrolment 4 Unenrolment and grade history 5 Suspended or Unenrolled? 6 See...
Fri, 19 Nov, 2021 at 3:57 AM
Other users
Users can be assigned a role in a course without enrolling them in Administration > Course administration > Users > Other users. This means they c...
Fri, 19 Nov, 2021 at 3:58 AM