The course/site summary block provides a summary and/or description for your course as contained in the summary text of the course settings. Note: The f...
Fri, 19 Nov, 2021 at 2:09 AM
The Courses block lists and allows navigation between all of the courses in which the logged in user is enrolled in. The block title shows as "My cours...
Fri, 19 Nov, 2021 at 2:10 AM
The Flickr block can only be added to a Tags page. The Flickr block settings allow you to change the images that are displayed in the block based on Relevan...
Fri, 19 Nov, 2021 at 2:13 AM
An HTML block is a standard block used to add text, multimedia, widgets etc to a site front page or course page. The title bar may be left blank if desired....
Fri, 19 Nov, 2021 at 2:14 AM
Recent posts made in the Announcements forum are displayed in the Latest announcements block, along with a link to older archived news. By default, the L...
Fri, 19 Nov, 2021 at 2:15 AM
The Login block provides logged out users an in-site area to enter their Username and Password and login, Create a new account or retrieve/reset their passw...
Fri, 19 Nov, 2021 at 2:16 AM
The logged in user block displays certain information about the user who is currently logged in to a LMS course: The information which is displayed can b...
Fri, 19 Nov, 2021 at 2:18 AM
The main menu block can be added to the front page of the site by a site administrator. Resources and activities can then be added to the front page,( f...
Fri, 19 Nov, 2021 at 2:20 AM
A Mentees block is a block that provides mentors with quick access to their mentee(s) profile page(s). A mentor might be a parent for example who has access...
Fri, 19 Nov, 2021 at 2:21 AM
The latest badges block can be added to the Site front page, a user's Dashboard or a course page and will display badges earned. Capabilities There a...
Fri, 19 Nov, 2021 at 2:23 AM