
Self completion block
The self completion block provides a link for students to manually declare that they have completed the course. This may be used on its own as the sole cond...
Fri, 19 Nov, 2021 at 2:51 AM
Social activities block
This block enables additional activities to be added to a course in social format. Note: This block is not available for other course formats.
Fri, 19 Nov, 2021 at 2:54 AM
Tags block
A very effective way of viewing all tags is in a tags block, or a "tag cloud". A unique feature of tag clouds are that the size of each tag is re...
Fri, 19 Nov, 2021 at 2:56 AM
Upcoming events block
The Upcoming events block displays events from the Calendar in a summarised list. The number of days in advance and upcoming events to be displayed a...
Fri, 19 Nov, 2021 at 2:57 AM
YouTube block
The YouTube block will pull YouTube videos with the same tag words as the tags page it is on. The block is disabled by default in new installs as it require...
Fri, 19 Nov, 2021 at 2:58 AM